During the season we have many judges and speakers attending the club. Often you will hear our President mention the fact that they have letters after their name and we are sometimes asked what these letters mean.
For instance: Stan Farrow (follow the link to see some works produced by Stan) - FRPS, DPAGB, EFIAP. Stan is one of our regular judges/speakers and has been recognised for the calibre of his work by 3 different organisations.
It is possible to receive recognition for a service to photography, or indeed recognition of achievement, in the granting of awards or distinctions from the affiliated organisations. This comes in the form of letters after your name. A brief explanation follows.
The Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) are open only to members of Clubs affiliated to the PAGB through their Federations and are at three levels:
Credit (CPAGB) – Blue badge and certificate
Standard: Good Club Photography -
Distinction (DPAGB) – Red badge and certificate
Standard: Open Exhibition Photography -
Master (MPAGB) – Yellow badge and certificate
Standard: Highest Standard of UK Amateur Photography
full details can be found HERE
Associate of The Royal Photographic Society
The RPS offers three levels of Distinctions which set recognised standards of achievement throughout the world. Both members and non-members can apply for Distinctions (non-members will need to join The Society if they gain a Distinction). We recommend you apply for the LRPS first, unless you're an experienced photographer.
ARPS (Associate) requires images of exceptional standard and a written Statement of Intent (what you hoped to achieve). This is a significant step up from the LRPS. At this stage creative ability and personal style (what makes your work unique to you), along with complete control of the technical aspects of photography must be evident. It is at this level that you can first choose to submit your work to a particular specialist category. It is possible to apply for an ARPS without having first achieved an LRPS, but we do not recommend this unless you have considerable experience in photography.
Fellowship of The Royal Photographic Society
The RPS offers three levels of Distinctions which set recognised standards of achievement throughout the world. Both members and non-members can apply for Distinctions (non-members will need to join The Society if they gain a Distinction). You need to have achieved the ARPS before you can apply for the FRPS.
FRPS (Fellowship) is our highest level of Distinction. Fellowship submissions are open to Associates of the Society and Fellows of the BIPP. Images must be of an outstanding photographic and creative standard and accompanied by a Statement of Intent. An obvious personal style is expected at this stage.
Licentiate of of The Royal Photographic Society
The RPS offers three levels of Distinctions which set recognised standards of achievement throughout the world. Both members and non-members can apply for Distinctions (non-members will need to join The Society if they gain a Distinction). We recommend you apply for the LRPS first, unless you're an experienced photographer.
LRPS (Licentiate of The RPS) requires images of a high standard of photographic execution. It is demanding but achievable for most dedicated photographers. Applicants must show variety in approach and techniques but not necessarily in subject matter.
Full details of these distinctions can be found HERE
FIAP Distinctions - AFIAP/EFIAP
FIAP Photographic Distinctions are available to individuals who are members of SPF Clubs. Firstly, you must participate in salons with FIAP patronage to gain acceptances. You require to keep a note of all the competitions you have entered. When you have completed the requirement, you can submit an application for the Distinction to FIAP.
All applications for FIAP distinctions must be made through the SPF, who is responsible for checking the information given. You do this through the SPF's FIAP Liaison Officer, Clive Turner. The SPF is only permitted to submit applications to FIAP once a year so please check the timetable.
The AFIAP Distinction
The distinction "Artist FIAP" (AFIAP) is the first artistic distinction that can be obtained. It is awarded to photographic artists whose artistic qualities, technique and production of work have been acknowledged through their participation in international salons under FIAP Patronage.
The EFIAP Distinction
The distinction "Excellence FIAP" (EFIAP) is awarded to photographic artists who, apart from having excellent techniques, have a significant number of their work often been accepted in many international salons under FIAP Patronage.
Details of the FIAP Distinctions can be found HERE
BIPP British Institute of Professional Photographers
BPE British Photographic Exhibitions
FIAP Federation International de l'art Photographique
IPF Irish Photographic Federation
MPA Master Photographers Association
PAGB Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
Regional Federations within the PAGB:
CACC Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs
EAF East Anglian Federation
KCPA Kent County Photographic Association
L&CPU Lancashire & Cheshire Photographic Union
MCPF Midland Counties Photographic Federation
NCPF Northern Counties Photographic Federation
N&EMPF North & East Midlands Photographic Federation
NIPA Northern Ireland Photographic Association
NWPA North Wales Photographic Federation